FOB/LSA Support Operations

Our services range from full-service turnkey base camps and FOB support to the provision of any single component which can be used independently to augment existing facilities such as kitchens or barracks. We provide staffing, equipment, transportation, and support services to conduct self-contained turnkey Logistics Staging Area (LSA) Support Operations to receive bulk resources of shelf stable meals, bottled water, bagged ice, and tarps or other accountable and/or expendable supplies from federal, state, or vendor resources. We will account for and distribute bulk resources to designated county points of distribution at the direction of the client.

LSA Services Include:
Logistics Staging Area Team:

  • Manage the LSA operation for the client
  • Coordinate transportation
  • Operate Material Handling Equipment (MHE)
  • Receive, account for, distribute commodities and supplies provided by Federal, State, or vendors
  • Establish emergency worker commodity area to support agency pick up
  • Provide command post and other temporary administrative facilities
  • Provide Material Handling Equipment (MHE), power, and security lighting
  • Provide trucks with drivers to support shortfalls in local transportation

Provide for Driver and Staff Support Services:

  • Fueling services
  • Food services – contract catering
  • Portable toilets or restroom trailers (serviced daily)
  • Sleeping accommodations for assigned non-local staff
  • Showers (for assigned non-local staff and drivers remaining overnight)
  • Rehabilitation area, covered and cooled (AC or fans), and beverages
  • Medical area
  • Waste management

Our pre-event planning services include:

  • Assist in your disaster logistics planning efforts compatible with FEMA’s disaster logistics operations
  • Developing plans and procedures for command and control, receiving, distribution, estimating needs, ordering, receiving, accounting for, securing, storing, and distributing the supplies, equipment and commodities needed during emergencies
  • Building resource capabilities
  • Providing specific logistics training development and presentation

Our on-scene response disaster logistics services include:

  • Field management of operations support sites and disaster logistic support operations
  • Identification of vendors and contractors to provide needed logistical support
  • Provide technical assistance related to the development of an all hazards County Staging Area Standard Operating Procedure

We Provide a Breadth of Equipment for Your Deployment Needs

Specifications | Logistics Staging Area (LSA) Support Operations

Specifications may vary. Contact Deployed Resources for more information.